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/ Consortium Santé Numérique

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Deux bibliothécaires de l’UdeM publient un texte dans lequel elles traitent de la portée et des avantages potentiels de l’intégration d’agents...
Le professeur de littérature Marcello Vitali-Rosati nous répond. 
Artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize mental health care, but small dataset sizes and lack of robust methods raise concerns about result...
Anxiety disorders have been increasing among 18- to 25-year-old individuals more rapidly than in any other adult age range, with recent past-month...
Digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) overcome traditional barriers enabling wider access to mental health support and allowing individuals to...
Healthcare is one of the human activities in which digital technologies, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), have large potentials and are...
L’UdeM lance ses premiers Cercles, des collectifs interdisciplinaires étudiants sur l’IA et l’environnement pour apporter des solutions concrètes à...
Joignez-vous à nous les troisièmes jeudis de septembre et d’octobre 2024 pour entendre des chefs de file de la santé échanger sur des sujets cruciaux...
September Virtual Panel Event: Essential Digital Health for the Underserved / Panel virtuel de septembre : Les essentiels de la santé numérique pour...
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) give patients, doctors, and clinical groups advantages and bring up moral issues. Exploring to provide care in...
Harnessing new digital technologies to support the delivery of health services centred around the needs of patients has been embraced by the National...
Atelier virtuel HAND-IA : Intelligence artificielle sans barrières à l'occasion de la rentrée, soyez des nôtres pour un atelier spécial présentant les...
Digital phenotyping has the potential to revolutionize modern psychiatry. It promises improved prevention of mental disorders, more accurate...
This special edition promotes high-quality, behavioral/mental health care via telepsychiatry and other technologies across the world to help...
The mental health landscape has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, driven Alongside the recognition that innovative approaches are...