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/ Consortium Santé Numérique

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Nous sommes face à de grands changements. Le premier concerne ce que l'on pourrait appeler « le patient éclairé » ou « augmenté », le second s'attache...
Des chercheurs de différents horizons des sciences sociales et humaines nous donnent la mesure des défis qui attendent le Québec dans un avenir...
La Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal offrira l’automne prochain une option Médecine computationnelle à son programme de maîtrise en...
In light of the current public-health emergency caused by COVID-19, CABHI will be releasing a series of blogs about the aging and brain health...
Historically, the term “artificial intelligence” dates to 1956 when it was first used in a conference at Dartmouth College in the US. Since then, the...
Since the beginning of March, Hexoskin has been working with governements and health systems in the US and Canada to define actions to support...
En ses murs, HEC Montréal compte des dizaines de chercheurs pour qui les données n'ont plus de secrets. Grâce à leurs travaux, ces spécialistes qui...
Vous occuperez un rôle de conseiller stratégique auprès de la direction en ce qui a trait aux nouvelles technologies de l’information dans le secteur...
Covid-19 pandemic is creating collateral damage to outpatients, whose rehabilitation services have been disrupted in most of the European countries....
The rush to understand new socio-economic contexts created by the wide adoption of AI is justified by its far-ranging consequences, spanning almost...
Bien qu'intéressant de prime abord, le recours éventuel à des applications mobiles qui permettrait de vous informer si vous avez croisé une personne...
The ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS‐CoV‐2) infection is creating serious challenges for health laboratories that seek to identify...
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic represents an unprecedented challenge for healthcare systems internationally. On 25 March 2020, the World...
The COVID-19 pandemic by the new coronavirus is evolving and wreaking havoc across the planet at the time of the writing of this editorial for the...
Health care does not always take place in a setting of peace, prosperity, and social order, a point that is often overlooked in quotidian medical...